Parent Corner

Important Dates

Click here for a list of important dates for the current school year.

EPIC (Every Person Influences Children) Parent Center

The EPIC Parent Center provides resources to parents and staff throughout the Monticello district during the school year. This includes parent workshops, open forums and family night activities. EPIC also provides information about the latest research available on a wide range of youth-related topics.

About EPIC

EPIC is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to helping families, schools and communities to raise children to become responsible and capable adults. EPIC supports the people who have the most influence on children by offering evidence-based programs for parents, a character-education curriculum for families and schools and training for schools and agencies. In all, EPIC offers 47 workshops with titles and target populations ranging from Knowing Yourself as a Parent for parents of infants and toddlers, to Dealing with your Child’s Emerging Sexuality for parents of young adolescents. 

For more information, visit 

Contact Information

Jane Sorensen, EPIC Director for the district’s elementary and middle schools at 794-8830 or


Children are welcome to all workshops. The district will provide dinner, crafts, healthy snacks, story-time and homework assistance. A flyer with RSVP slips will be sent home with parents soon. Please tear off slip and send back with your child. 

For more information or to RSVP, please contact Jane Sorensen, EPIC Director for the Monticello Central School District, at 794-8830 or

Anonymous Alerts

The Anonymous Alerts anti-bullying and safety app reporting system helps combat bullying and other negative activity in schools by empowering students and parents to speak up.

For more information about Anonymous Alerts, click here.

Healthy Kids Extended Day Program

The Healthy Kids Extended Day program is available for MCSD students at the Cooke, Rutherford, Chase schools and the SJS UPK program. For more information, or to register, visit:

Parent/Student Communication

Parents have a variety of tools they can use to gain information about district and student-related issues:


The MCSD uses the ParentSquare platform to facilitate school-home communications, and send out urgent alerts. We encourage our families to download the ParentSquare app, and set up an account for the most robust experience. For more information, please visit our ParentSquare webpage

SchoolTool Parent Portal

SchoolTool is the district’s student management system for students in middle school and high school.  The Parent Portal allows parents to access their child(ren)’s grades, attendance, schedule, and other data.  Parent Portal activation is a ONE TIME event.  Once you have a Parent Portal account it is active for the duration your child(ren) attends school in Monticello.  Log in to Parent Portal.


Schoology is used by teachers to provide information to students.  Log in to Schoology.

Office 365

Office 365 is Microsoft Office in the “cloud.” It gives students access to Office (Word, Excel and Powerpoint) and Skype in the classroom, and email and documents on any device from anyplace wifi is available. Students can also share and collaborate on documents.

Parent Today

Parent Today is a free resource, consisting of an e-newsletter and a website, to help parents coach and encourage their children through four chapters of their education – early learners, elementary, middle years and high school.

Parent Today provides parents with the tools and information they need to be even more engaged in their children’s education. It is provided free of charge to families in Monticello Central School District, but subscribers must have Internet access and an email address.

Sign up for Parent Today

Monticello Central School District residents can access the Parent Today website and sign up to receive the free, opt-in e-newsletter. Begin by visiting the website at then follow the directions below: 

  • In the top left corner, click on “Not a subscriber? Sign up now!” to create a new user profile. (Returning users can log in with their email address and password.)
  • Fill in all of the requested information, including your name and email address, on the “Member Sign-up” webpage and select a password.
  • When registering, you will be asked to enter a district identification number. Enter district ID 12701 for Monticello schools.
  • Once you create your profile, you will begin receiving bimonthly newsletters and have access to the Parent Today website.

Tips for Student Success

Make sure your child gets enough rest

The child who stays up late to watch television will probably have trouble staying awake in school. Set a reasonable bedtime and then stick to it.

Help your child stay healthy

If you notice or are told that your child has a health problem, has trouble seeing, or has trouble hearing, talk to your doctor or to the school nurse. They can help your child’s needs.

See that your child attends school regularly

When your child is absent from school, important lessons may be missed. Try to avoid your child coming late to school or leaving early from school. Once a child gets behind the class, catching up can be difficult.

Know how your child is doing

Look closely at the completed papers your child brings home. Spend time each day talking to your child about his or her day and work. If they indicate problems, see the teacher and talk it over. Find out how you can work with the teacher to help your child.

Check your child’s homework

Set a regular time for doing homework and make sure your child does it. If it’s obvious that you care, your child will care too.

Don’t compare

Your child is a unique individual. It is not fair to compare any child to a brother, a sister, or a neighbor’s child. Some children learn faster than others. If your child seems a bit slower than another, remember that it is not intentional on the part of the child. Make it clear at all times that you love your child for what he or she is and not for what he or she can do. Give praise for accomplishments, but don’t criticize your child for not doing as well as others.

If your child is having a serious problem reading, there may be a need for special help. Call the school and make an appointment to talk to the teachers. He or she can advise you as to the best steps to be taken.

Remember, we want your child to do well. So please feel free to talk to us about your child’s reading progress. You can be sure that we will do all we can to help.