*For questions or concerns regarding your student’s participation in interscholastic sports, please contact the coach first.
**Playing time, positions and game strategies are at the coach’s discretion and are not open for discussion as outlined in the Athletic handbook.
- Varsity
- Tyler Rodriguez trodriguez@k12mcsd.net
- Modified
- Daniel Clancy dclancy@k12mcsd.net
- Patrick Owens powens@k12mcsd.net
Boys’ Soccer
- Varsity
- Andres Tamayo atamayo@k12mcsd.net
- JV
- Darrin Raynor peopleinmindofny@gmail.com
- Modified
- Hugo Mercier hmercier@k12mcsd.net
Girls’ Soccer
- Varsity
- Lindsey Rau lrau@k12mcsd.net
- JV
- Kathy Jo Traphagen ktraphagen@k12mcsd.net
- Modified
- Alaina Gaughan agaughan@k12mcsd.net
- Varsity
- Sheila Burns sburns@k12mcsd.net
- JV
- Richard Vreeland rvreeland@k12mcsd.net
- Modified
- Sierra Smith smith.sierra1317@icloud.com
Girls’ Tennis
- Varsity
- Andrew DiCerbo adicerbo@k12mcsd.net
Boys’ & Girls’ Cross Country
- Varsity
- Ashley Weintraub aweintraub@k12mcsd.net
- Modified
- Scott Fitchett sfitchett@k12mcsd.net
- Varsity
- Shaniqwa Hines shines@k12mcsd.net
- Jay Mendels monticellotrapteam@gmail.com