Cooke first-grade students are published authors

screen shot of student holding up a hand drawn picture of a horse during a virtual reading
First-grade student Bella Koljenovic shows off her illustration during the virtual reading of “Our Class Zoo”

Joana Dutcher and Emily Post’s first-grade students — all of whom attend classes fully remote — have become published authors! 

First, the students worked together to decide on a topic and title for their book. Being a group of animal lovers, they chose to write about animals and titled their book “Our Class Zoo.” Each student then wrote about, and drew a picture of, their favorite animal. 


The project helped students learn about the entire writing process: pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, illustrating and publishing. The final product was published and available for families to purchase as a special keepsake. The students held a virtual guest reading for Interim Principal Ginny Gallet, Assistant Principal Melanie Hector and Ms. Rodriguez.


“Due to COVID, teaching the writing process to remote students posed a challenge,” Ms. Dutcher said. “We are all so thankful for the help and support of parents, grandparents, and families at home that helped guide the students while we taught them in a virtual setting. We are so appreciative and couldn’t have done it without you!” 
hand drawing of a koala bear
First-grade student Niyahli Jimenez wrote about and drew a koala bear.