As Dr. Seuss would say, “You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax, all you need is a book.” Students at George L. Cooke Elementary School did just that on Wednesday, March 29 with the help of special guest reader, Jane Sorensen, EPIC Family Engagement Program Manager!
Ms. Sorensen stopped by the school to read a story to students in various grades. Her first stop was Mrs. Ferentino’s class, where kindergarten students were excited to listen to the Dr. Seuss classic “One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish.”

Next, Ms. Sorensen made her way to Mrs. Kilcoin’s second grade class. Students listened closely as Ms. Sorensen read another Dr. Seuss book titled “Oh! The Places You’ll Go!”
For being great listeners, all students were surprised at the end of Ms. Sorensen’s visits with a snack and goodie bag, complete with a pencil, eraser and notepad.