Summer Youth Employment Opportunities

The Sullivan County government invites youth between ages 14-20 to apply for a paid working opportunity this summer. The employment period is between July 6 and August 14 and employees earn $11.80 per hour.

Watch the video below for more information: 

From the Sullivan Center for Workforce Development:

Please fill out this Summer Youth Employment Application if you are interested in a paid working opportunity this summer. The document provided is fillable online, and you may submit it once completed to the Youth Programming Coordinator by email.

The deadline for application submission is June 20, 2020, and our office will be processing applications in the order they are received.  

We will be reaching out by email or telephone to confirm your interest in participating and discuss the remainder of the process within 2 business days from the submission date. As always, please keep in mind, submission of a completed Summer Youth Employment Application does NOT guarantee employment.

Questions ?

Contact: Lyle Mincheff, Youth Programming Coordinator, at