Positive COVID-19 case at Cooke; building will remain open for in-person instruction

Dear Monticello CSD Community Member,

Earlier today, we were informed that a student at George L. Cooke Elementary  School tested positive for COVID-19. This student was last in school on March 2, 2021. They were determined to have been in contact with 39 students and staff who, we believe, will most likely be quarantined.

After conferring with Sullivan County Public Health Services and because of some creative scheduling, Cooke ES will be able to remain open for in-person instruction.

All areas of the school have been disinfected since March 2, and we’ll continue to disinfect these areas consistent with our COVID-19 protocols.

We have reported those identified as possible contacts to Sullivan County PHS. We have also contacted all who have been tentatively identified as contacts of their exposure.

If you or your child are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, please contact your health care provider. For more information on contact tracing and illness management, please review the New York State Department of Health’s Pre-K to Grade 12 COVID-19 Toolkit.

We hope that all of you remain healthy, or, if sick, recover soon.

Stay well and have a great weekend.

With Monti Pride,
Matthew T. Evans, Ed. D.
Superintendent of Schools