Monticello High School students learned about Veterans Day on Nov. 10 during the school’s annual Veterans Day ceremony. MHS English Teacher Karen Collura opened up the ceremony, explaining how it has been a tradition for more than 20 years to educate students about the sacrifices and bravery of our service men and women through the Veterans Day assembly. The high school’s chamber choir sang a rendition of the National Anthem. Student volunteers presented information about the
origin of Veterans Day, and the flag folding ceremony. They also researched and presented the history of a local veteran, Frank Currey. Principal Stephen Wilder, who is a veteran of foreign wars, shared his experience of serving in the military and spoke of some of the challenges veterans face when they return from serving. The ceremony closed with more student volunteers explaining the tradition of the “missing man table,” and the symbolism of each item on the spread, which is set up to honor fallen, missing or imprisoned service members.
A big “thank you” to all of the staff and students who contributed to sharing these important lessons with their students and peers!