Students go “mad” for Rocket Ron from Mad Science and his fascinating experiments

Scientist performing experiements.

Students at the George L. Cooke Elementary School experienced science in an electrifying way, thanks to a visit from “Rocket Ron” from Mad Science! Rocket Ron came prepared to dazzle students with interactive experiments and captivating demonstrations. The goal was to show students, as well as teachers, that science has a daily presence in their lives; Rocket Ron’s visit also coincided with Cooke Elementary’s STEAM Night, which occurred the following evening.

Rocket Ron began his presentation with an experiment illustrating what happens when an acid, like vinegar, is mixed with a base, such as baking soda. The purpose of the experiment was to show the difference between acidic/basic chemical solutions and their reactions, including neutralization. Neutralization occurs when an acid and a base react with an equivalent quantity of each other, with an ideal pH level of seven. The lower the pH of a solution, the more acidic it is; in contrast, the higher the pH level, the more basic the solution.

Scientist pouring water on statue.

Next, Rocket Ron performed an experiment demonstrating how a shape can alter when water is added. Using a statue of a head, Rocket Ron poured water on it while students watched with amazement as it melted right in front of their eyes.

Rocket Ron’s visit concluded with the “elephant toothpaste” experiment. Using hydrogen peroxide, warm water, dish soap, and active yeast, Rocket Ron mixed the yeast and warm water together in a bowl. He then added the hydrogen peroxide and dish soap in a bottle and mixed the two solutions together, creating two mountains of foam big enough for elephants to brush their teeth with! Students were fascinated by the colorful foam reactions, as their faces lit up with wonder and curiosity.

Scientist performing experiements.

Throughout his presentation, Rocket Ron engaged students in the audience by asking for volunteers. He also performed a number of smaller experiments, emphasizing the significance of science in everyday life. Both students and teachers thoroughly enjoyed his visit, and it served as the perfect kickoff event for Cooke Elementary’s STEAM Night.

About Mad Science

Mad Science is an organization that specializes in developing kid-friendly science programs that inspire and promote STEM learning. Founded in 1985 by two brothers in Montreal, Canada, Mad Science has grown from a small business to a global organization with over 150 franchise locations in more than 20 countries. Mad Science and their various programs provide children with the foundation for a lifelong love of science, technology, engineering and math.