Robert J. Kaiser School PTO


The RJK PTO invites families and faculty to join the organization in making a difference in children’s education.

For more information or to volunteer, please contact RJK PTO via email at

New Members

Studies show that local school/family engagement via PTO works. They boost academic performance, improve student grades, and enhance social skills.

RJK PTO accepts new members year-round! It is never too late to join us and help make a difference in our student’s lives. We would love for you to attend our meetings, but attendance is not a requirement for membership. 

Increased membership and support will help the PTO significantly, so please join today!

Please email to join.

PTO Meetings

The RJK PTO meets the second Tuesday of each month September through June at 6pm in the RJK lobby.

How does PTO help my student?

The RJK PTO serves an important function within schools that allow faculty, families and students the opportunity to come together to help enrich our children’s educational experience. Field trips, recognition gifts, celebratory activities and more are all supported by PTO activity.

About the PTO

2023/2024 School Year Officers:

President- Melinda Gwiozdowski

Vice President- Becky Belcher

Secretary- Meghan Stalter

Treasurer- Danielle Pogozelski