Ms. Bitjeman’s class has a dream…

a young girl holds up the craft she made and a photo of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, students in Ms. Bitjeman’s second-grade class at the George L. Cooke Elementary School took part in a special project. 

First, students read an article about Dr. King, where they learned about Dr. King’s legacy and his fight for the civil rights of all Americans. Afterwards, they were invited to think of three dreams for their world, their community and themselves. They wrote these three dreams down on paper clouds, drew a portrait in the middle and assembled a hanging craft. When they were all finished creating their dream clouds, the class then discussed their dreams for the future and how they can peacefully advocate for their dreams to come true —  just like Dr. King. 

Watch a video of some of Ms. Bitjeman’s students sharing their dreams