Library Rules and Policies

Library Rules:   

  • Always be respectful to yourself and others.
  • Always have a pass, this includes when you arrive and before you need to go somewhere.
  • Please do not eat in the library.
  • Please do not take pictures or video in the library, this includes making calls on FaceTime or other video chat service.
  • Students who receive a phone call while in the library must step outside so as not to be disruptive; this applies to FaceTime calls and other video chat services.
  • Students who are ineligible may not attend after school library and must attend an academic tutorial for a class they need to improve.
  • Additionally, students who are ineligible must be working when attending the library during the regular school day.
  • Students coming to after school library after 2:30 must have a pass from where they were prior.
  • Violation of these rules may result in temporary suspension from library usage.