Arrival & Dismissal
Students being delivered to or picked up from school should use the designated pick up/drop off area (far right side of the building. The circle is reserved for bus traffic. Students should not arrive at school before 9:05 a.m. The school cannot accept responsibility for supervising students who arrive before 9:05 a.m. Student pick up will begin at 3:40 p.m. Please remain in your vehicle and have your picture I.D. ready.
Teacher Arrival: 8:35AM
Bus Arrival: 9:05AM – 9:15AM
Start of Day (Inst mins): 9:25AM
End of Day (Inst mins): 3:34PM
Bus Arrival: 3:40PM & 3:54PM
Buses Depart: 3:48PM & 3:58PM
Teacher Departure: 4:05PM
Closings & Delays
A delayed opening means all schedules will be delayed one or two hours. Bus pick-ups will be approximately one to two hours later than the scheduled pickup time. Delayed openings will be used in instances where road conditions are expected to improve and to give the various Highway Departments more time to clear and sand the roads. Children should not arrive at school before the scheduled time. For more info, visit the Closings and Delays page.
One-Hour Delay
Teacher Arrival: 9:35AM
Bus Arrival: 10:05AM – 10:15AM
Start of Day (Inst mins): 10:25AM
End of Day (Inst mins): 3:34PM
Bus Arrival: 3:40PM & 3:54PM
Buses Depart: 3:48PM & 3:58PM
Teacher Departure: 4:05PM
Two-Hour Delay
Teacher Arrival: 10:35AM
Bus Arrival: 11:05AM – 11:15AM
Start of Day (Inst mins): 11:25AM
End of Day (Inst mins): 3:34PM
Bus Arrival: 3:40PM & 3:54PM
Buses Depart: 3:48PM & 3:58PM
Teacher Departure: 4:05PM
Early Dismissal Times
Monticello High School and RJK Middle School – 11:15AM
Rutherford Elementary School – 12:34PM
Chase and Cooke Elementary Schools – 12:34PM
SJS Pre-K – 12:00PM
To ensure the safety of students, walkers will wait in the gym until all buses have left, at which time they will be dismissed. If you are picking your child up at dismissal time, you must park your car in the parking lot in such a way that the buses can swing through the lot and park in front of the school. Please do not enter the bus loading area or pass any parked bus. Please refrain from bringing pets on school grounds. Again, this is for the safety of all children.
Teacher Arrival: 8:35AM
Bus Arrival: 9:05AM – 9:15AM
Start of Day (Inst mins): 9:25AM
End of Day (Inst mins): 12:34PM
Bus Arrival: 12:40PM & 12:54PM
Buses Depart: 12:48PM & 12:58PM
Emergency Weather Dismissal
Teacher Arrival: 8:35AM
Buses Arrival: 9:05AM – 9:15AM
Start of Day (Inst mins): 9:25AM
End of Day (Inst mins): 12:34PM
Bus Arrival: 12:40PM & 12:54PM
Buses Depart: 12:48PM & 12:58PM
Lost & Found
All clothing found on the school grounds, regardless of its value, is placed in the lost and found in the school office. Money, jewelry, or any other articles of value are turned in to the office. Students may claim them after proper identification.
Common sense and consideration is the best guide in determining whether or not to bring personal possessions to school. The school administration and staff are not responsible for valuables which students bring to school. It is recommended that students leave all valuables at home.
All students’ clothing should have the child’s name on it. This includes hats, gloves, sweaters, coats, knapsacks and boots.
School Visitors
All visitors and parents are welcome and encouraged to visit the school. A parent should accompany all children not enrolled at K. L. Rutherford School. Stop by the school reception area or office to state the nature of your visit and receive a pass. A forgotten item (such as a lunch box) should be brought to the office where the child can pick it up. All parents coming into the school must report to the office to sign out their child and wait for him/her in the hallway outside the school office.
Parents should not disturb the teachers and students by going to the classrooms directly unless a visit has been prearranged with the teacher. We also ask that you drop off and pick up your children at the Multi-Purpose Room and not at the classroom doors.