Parent Responsibilities


School attendance is essential for a consistent education. State Education Law defines legal and illegal absences and requires the schools to keep an accurate count of both, as well as instances of tardiness. These become part of a student’s permanent record.

We recommend that parents call the school when their child is going to be absent or tardy. If we do not hear from you, we will attempt to call you at home or work to verify the absence.

It is required that when a child returns from school from an absence, tardy or departs school early that the child have a written note explaining the reasons for the absence, tardiness, or early departure. Absences without excuses are considered illegal.

Tardy students must have a note and be signed in at the office where they will be given a pass to enter class. Frequent tardiness will necessitate a parent conference with the principal.

In considering the retention of students in grades K-8, the student’s record of attendance is one of the factors that will be considered by the principal in retaining a student.

Bus Conduct and Info

Bus Conduct

Responsibility for students using buses rests with parents until students actually board the bus or exit the bus at end of day.

Students should:

  • Be on time.
  • Behave properly.
  • Sit in seat.
  • Obey driver and/or bus aide.
  • Acts of misconduct may lead to student’s temporary suspension from all transportation privileges.

Acts not tolerated:

  • Pushing
  • Swearing
  • Rough conduct
  • Refusal to comply with instructions

Items not allowed on bus:

  • Animals, pets
  • Guns, knives (real or otherwise)
  • Glass objects
  • Large toys (baseball bats, sticks)
  • Skis
  • Fireworks of any kind (including caps)
  • Radios

Special Reminder to Parents:

  • No student will depart from bus en route.
  • A parental note is required for student to take a different bus or change a drop off destination.
  • No bus changes made via phone call.
  • A parental note is necessary when a child is to be picked up and does not take the bus home.

Bus discipline

Occasionally students will be involved in behavioral incident on our school buses. Bus discipline procedures will be carried out as follows: bus driver’s report bus safety discipline violations. Upon receipt of the first report, the principal speaks with the student and notifies the parent in writing. Upon a second incident, within 30 days, the student is suspended from riding the bus.

Any questions concerning bus problems, bus routes, stops, schedules, bus driver’s conduct, etc. should be reported to both the Principal, 845-794-4240 and Transportation Supervisor, 845-794-8570.

(A note is required if your child is not to ride the bus. Without a note from a parent, your child will be placed on the bus as usual.)

Field Trips

Field trips within our school district and to nearby points of interest are scheduled by various classroom teachers throughout the school year. These trips are designed to supplement different aspects of the classroom curriculum and to introduce students to the resources of the community. Parents will receive notices of field trips in advance of the scheduled trip date and will be asked to sign a field trip permission form. Sometimes a small amount of money may be requested from each student to defray the costs. Permission slips and money must be turned over to the teacher before the day of the trip.

Health Services Information

School health services are those activities directly concerned with the present health status of the school child. Complete evaluation of each child’s health includes: health assessments and observations by those closely concerned with the child; screening of vision and hearing by the school nurse; weighing and measuring and inspection for cleanliness. Students must have periodic health examinations performed by a school or family physician. Read more about physical exam and immunization requirements

Chronic illness 

The office needs to know of chronic illnesses such as asthma, rheumatic fever, diabetes, allergies, etc. We need definite written instructions on file should an emergency arise.

Illness at school 

You will be called if your child becomes ill at school. A neighbor or friend’s phone number must be listed with our office on the emergency card. Please keep this information updated. We must be able to reach parents at all times.


Under no circumstances may a student be permitted to self-administer medicine. Only medication prescribed by a physician may be administered in school by a school nurse, per physician’s written instructions. These medications must be delivered to the Nurse’s Office by an adult; please do not send medications with your child. School personnel cannot administer over-the-counter drugs in school. For more information, visit our Health Services webpage.