Cooke school seeking snow boots and snow pants donations

The George L. Cooke Elementary School is looking for gently used snow boots (sizes little kids 9- youth 5) and snow pants (sizes: 4T- adult small) since some of our students don’t have winter gear to play in the snow at recess time.
These snow boots and pants will be staying here at the Cooke School so the students can use them during recess time.  So, when you are cleaning out to make room for your new winter gear, please consider donating your gently used items to the Cooke School so our students can enjoy the benefits of being outdoors for recess. We are also accepting used plastic sleds (toboggans, saucers).
You may contact Cooke School’s Healthy Generation Co-advisors Cathy McFadden or April Rutledge to drop off items. We will accept these items up till the end of January 2024.
Thank you for your generous donations.