Each week, students at the Emma C. Chase Elementary School receive tickets from teachers and staff when they are “being a bucket filler” (aka being kind). At the end of the week, Ms. Swensen randomly draws from the pile of bucket filler tickets and awards the students with a small prize to celebrate their behavior. Usually, it’s a small toy or sticker, but thanks to the Healthier Generation grant from Sullivan 180, Ms. Swensen bought a Cricut machine and was able to create custom t-shirts!

Congrats to:
Isabella Hand
Yolynn Cayo
Aani Struther
Josephine Findley
Madison Ulloa
Kenadie Lochard
Liam Rielly
Kevin Edwards
Jordan Marban Rodriguez
Geovana Flores da Silva
Grace O’Neil
Brook Davies
Hunter Bulaga
Carter Cushing
Mathew Mootz
Eden Stein